Construccion independent, capitalist, dating back to the Decade of the 50, amplia(625 m2), cosy, very well located in one of the best deals of the Santiago de Cuba province, with the best Center Hospital just two cuadras(Hospital Provincial \"Clinico Quirurgico\") province. Has 4 rooms, 3 bathrooms, portal, Hall, Garden, room, parlor, dining room, kitchen, garage, free to continue manufacturing comfortable, large patio with fruit trees, the street door and back door, phone, water 24 hours a day, balloon gas, electrical power 110 and 220 V, and water tank instalado.
PRECIO (NEGOTIABLE) 80000 accepted proposals by House more small neighborhoods aceptables...
Direccion Calle 4 # 513 between 21 and 23 distribution Vista Alegre 58 14 85 43 phones and 642620