Sold or will swap for a small house in the dream cast. Santiago de Cuba
La House is two plantas.
En the ground floor has living room, 2 rooms with shared bathroom, kitchen, side aisle to not pass through rooms, courtyard of mosaics.
Segunda floor, two bedrooms, each with bathroom, kitchen, small courtyard where this staircase that leads up to the free terraza
Terraza, with water tank and desahogo.
Tiene room two counters with 110 and 220 volt electric, two water inlets, although here the water is permanent. It is a place where there is capacity to teléfono.
La House ready to live it, can be two-family or to rent top. Everything is in perfect condition, is very as it gives and everything is very cerca.
La sell or we trade for one more small and a very good cast sleep dinero
Lugar difference. Price 37 000 cuc.
Escribir to renidesrodriguez@gmail.com or call the 645887 at Santiago.
Renides or Gladis