Independent one bedroom apartment for rent in Playa.The apartment is new and with all the comforts (TV, new living room set,
heater, air conditioning, refrigerated, gas stove) with capacity for 3 people, the room has a camera bed and
with a personal bed.The property is located a few meters from the Calzada de 19 where taxis, gazelles and public transport pass allowing you to travel
easily within the capital. In the surroundings of the apartment you can find shops, restaurants such as the Red Point
and Bella Chiao Italian Restaurant and nightclubs such as the "Uyuyui Que Veo" Bar which can be reached on foot,
Address: Calle 66 between 19 and 21 # 1915 apt 2.Price per day 35 cuc. To make your reservation you can write to
mail roxitaylor851@gmail.com or contact by the following numbers:
WhatsApp (+12424298635) with Maylin
+53 54328545 (cell) and 8820462 (landline), ask for Jorge.SE HABLA INGLES.