The House has a total area of 213.37M2, is under construction with a license and property in order, has 3 rooms with dimensions 4x4 each and closet, has a bathroom finished and fully veneered 4x2 and with bath, takes another bathroom which is found if you do, has a raised tank of equal size 4x2x1 with water for 6 months if missing, has the whole house hot and cold water, everything is free plate, also has side aisle, large patio, parlor, dining room and kitchen . Very quiet neighborhood, with the cellar on the corner, the little market in the other corner of the house, the Policlinico PPU in the next block, the center of enrramadas a few blocks only, as well as marti avenues. Ideal for business, rent, etc. I guarantee you it's worth it, you will not regret it. You can do whatever you want on the plate that is free, this is the opportunity to modify when you want and that does not come out so expensive, take the opportunity to live it and set up a good room rental business, or make a good restaurant. The Ideas are enough to carry them out. The house is well built without skimping on materials, foundations, columns and tar sails are made to support more than 3 floors and all damage is reinforced with stacking rods. Do not let yourself be guided by what you see from the outside, always look BEHIND THE FACADE. Do not be surprised by the PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE and you hear offers.