For sale villa with land with road passable for any type of vehicle
a150 meters from the road of La Coloma km 11
Pinar of the River (Cuba)
A 13 km from the port of Coloma and the beach of Las canas
-House of masonry and tongued
3 cuartos
Comedor with cedar table and 6 sillas
Cocina with two hornillas charcoal stove and gas stove r
bano complete masonry
Portal in L
Techo of fiber with easel of electric teja
Luz 110v
-land fenced with woven wire fence and concrete posts
Terreno suitable for any type of cultivation or rearing of poultry, pigs, rabbits, Rams, etc.
50 meters long x 20 metres from ancho
Arboleda producing different varieties of mango two clumps of coconut, sour orange, sweet orange, soursop, banana, lemon, canistel and artesian water almendro.
-Pozo or spring covered by bricks and 12-metre-high profundidad
Tanque 1000 litros
Bomba of water that supplies all the conplejo
-hut valentierra of guano and table suitable for storage or backup of animales.
Precio : 8000 usd (negotiable)
jorge (+ 53) 55350914