Homes for rent in Cuba
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Home for rent in in José María Heredia, Santiago de Cuba

Home for rent in José María Heredia Home, In town, downtown 25 / 20 CUC
2 🛌

Apartment entrance. family. Centro - Santiago de Cuba
His home in santiago:
- Located in the heart of the vibrant, colorful and hospitable city of Santiago de Cuba. Very close to the lawns and Enrrama....

Calle Rey Pelayo(Eduardo Yero)  Nº70 % Calvario y Reloy (Porfirio Valiente y Mayia Rguez.)

Ref: 346 041
Ad Quality: 4.83 / 5
Price for seasons: 25/20 CUC Maximum capacity: 5 persons
Published: 9 year and 7 months

Home for rent in in Centro, Santa Clara

Home for rent in Centro Home, In town, downtown 30 / 30 CUC
2 🛌

From the cultural city of Cuba, we salute them. We are the owners of the hostel Jorge and Sheila, a house built in the style of Spanish in 1920 where you can enjoy an unforgettable stay, located two b....

Calle Toscano(Pons y Naranjo) #66 e/ Independencia y Real. Reparto Rau´l Sancho Santa Clara. Villa Clara.Cuba

Ref: 788 839
Ad Quality: 5.00 / 5
Price for seasons: 30/30 CUC Maximum capacity: 8 persons
Published: 9 year and 7 months

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