The property has a total area of 220.09 m2, they occupied 138.97 m2.
Las walls of housing are of wood and masonry. The roof is of French tiles and plate. All in good constructive condition.
La House is ventilated and lighted. It has independent entrance, Garden, portal, room, inner Hall, three quarters, bathroom with toilet, kitchen, courtyard paved with laundry and patio of Earth with frutales.
Cuenta with good water capacity: two tanks, electric pump and an elevated tank. Power 110 v and 220 v.
Esta property is located in a quiet residential neighborhood and with many trees. Is next to the Hospital Clinical surgical estimate "Juan Bruno Zayas", to the Mall "Vista Alegre" (better known as CUBALSE), the Catholic Church sacred "La familia" and as the home of the Caribbean and the CIROA. recreational and cultural institutions "