3-storey detached house located in: san mariano # 62 e / felipe snake párraga.la poey and one block from Santa Catalina has
: 1 - living with saleta (32m ²)
2 - room with living room * (32m ²)
3 to 2 bathrooms (14m ²) and a bathroom ** (8m ²)
4 - pantry kitchen (20m ²)
5 - sitting room with stairs to the second floor (12m ²)
6 to 3 bedrooms (20m ²), one on the 3rd floor
7-other room (12m ²) on 3rd floor ***
8 to 1 on the 3rd floor hall (8m ²)
9 to 1 terrace (110m ² and 40m ² indoor)
10-apartment with separate entrance on 1st floor (45m ²)
11 to 2 garages with iron gates (broadly fit large cars)
12 cemented yard (280m ²) around the house, with garden
13-the house is protected by a wall-close to 4m high
14-tank and two tanks with automatic filling
15-110v and 220v wiring
16 Gas street
observation: the house has had only two owners (who built and current). maintains the original woodwork (windows and interior doors) in good condition. the windows are protected with original bars. in the rooms of the 1st and 3rd floor windows were replaced with steel and glass windows. also has an original old safe house. * Points 1 and 2 are two different spaces of the bath house ** 8m ² is in the apartment *** point 10 are five quarters total counting the apartment of section 10