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For sale detached house in perfect stato on two floors in Playa, La Habana Cuba.
Casa in esguina 23y48 Playa
Compuesta: portal, dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms with shower and electric heater, 4 rooms, garage, room of relief, patio, 2 terraces, Garden alrededor.
Aqua: 2 tanks more 2 tanques.
Gas: of the calle.
Puertas and windows with regas in hierro.
4 aires conditionados.
Telefono opzional.
Circa of the transportes.
Documentos in order and ready for the venta.
Precio: 119000 cuc negociables.
Llamar. Susana. House + 5372022825. Mobile +53(7)54319031.