Centrica + Perfecto estado
2 pisos, 3 dorm. + 2 ban.
Hall, terraza, patio interior
Gas, telefono, cisterna
Agua fria y caliente
Email: [email protected]
Centrica + Perfecto estado
2 pisos, 3 dorm. + 2 ban.
Hall, terraza, patio interior
Gas, telefono, cisterna
Agua fria y caliente
Email: [email protected]
Casa in the Netherlands (a single discreet super interior with garage entrance).
Ubicada in Lawton 3 blocks of Diez de Octubre and Ave 3. Acosta
Tiene modern modifications with walls block and roof of regular constructive placa.
Estado, have to make their repairs.
Marquetería of wood.
-3 rooms (one of the rooms is prepared for multiple use)
-2 kitchens (the street Gas)
-Comedor with light cover (small) bathrooms (galvanized Zinc tile)
La House is divided, but not this broken down
-Azotea free with 2 elevated water tanks (320 gal.) with pump and new water inlet. cemented back
-Patio semitechado with light cover (galvanized Zinc tile)
-Patio total 270,24 m² (side and rear), has fruit trees,
Nota: the free area (courtyard side) is spacious to accommodate up to 4 car or another House and it has 6 built
dados arranged in an area of 5 X 8 mt, papers