Two independent properties located on a lot of 575m 2. On top of https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XFDUIJ18JfUla are another, very suitable for families who want to join, rental business, or other. The properties in question are in Cojimar, Habana del Este municipality, Havana province. Their caractiristicas son:
1) great free space, which can be exploited in various maneras.
2) is located in a corner and separated from the rest of the neighbours which guarantees your privacy. ((
3) is very fresh even in verano.
4) each House has with 2 / 4 of 4 x 4 (with spaces for closets), kitchen of 3 x 4, room of 4 x 4, room of 4 x 4, bath of 2 x 3, portal and terrace. (With a spacious surface made of 120 m 2 for each propiedad.
5) have cistern and tank of water common, with system automatic of rise of water for your comfort. NO problems with the AGUA
6) there is side, rear patio and garage entrance. The field dimensions are 23 x 25; (((for those who like to have trees, there are banana, lemon, bitter orange, avocado, mango, guava and soursop, and still has enough ground LIBRE.
7) the distances that separate the House of each one of the boundaries of the land are approximately: a) side
right: 9.6 m b) lateral
left: 4.5 m
c) front ((: 3.8 m
d) background: 6.4 m
8) the access to the plant high is by a STAIRCASE outside.
El price is for 70000 CUC and includes the phone.
NOTA: two people are needed to make the purchase. One for each property. Those interested may call the 77662514. Gracias