Well big house full plate and window of aluminium with 4 rooms, 3 of them in 4 x 4 with closet, dining room large kitchen with 2 closet wall and closet of sink. Room and spacious Saleta, large balcony with space for table and chairs. Great for lay patio and another species of large courtyard next to the hallway with benches in the parks (see photos)
3 baths, 2 large and one small, 1 between bathrooms with large bath, 1 terrace next to the sink and another in a separate room fully which becomes going down the aisle without passing through the inside of the casa.
Ubicada one block from Parque Martí (kilometer 0 of) Cienfuegos) and Terry theater and a block from the plaza of the guajiro (market) and the Altos
Placa boulevard.
En also libre
Es high strut which makes more fresca.