Ideal for business entrepreneurs.
Precio to Negociar.
Posee an area of 456m 2 of which 217m 2 are built and the rest of Interior courtyards. Modern construction of the 2006 structure of steel and concrete, with plank of 3, 5m and support for constructing 3 residential floors, the approved plans of the second floor are included in the offer. Tank high and tank, the waste of water sewage direct to the sewer. Electric 110V and 220V service. The entire House is walled with 5, 0m of height. Bath unbundled in bath, shower, sink and toilet. Has access central and access side. Neighborhood quiet. Availability for aparcamiento.
Por their characteristics constructive is conditioned for the development of different types of business, from a gallery of art, a workshop of mechanical, restaurant, hostel, etc. By its height and its geographical layout allows the availability of sunlight almost to the 100%.