House on two floors (with possibilities to build in third) all protected with iron bars with a balcony on the second level protected with bars. The House has living room, parlor, kitchen with azulejeada plateau, Cedar doors, closet and hygienic sinks with water all the time, two bathrooms (at first and second level, with hot and cold water), five quarters, covered patio tile with plated washtubs grey and wall limits of 2.5 meters high, outer side aisle, covered with tiles and wall of two meters high (with security to keep motorcycle or bicycle), garden with possibility of garage, turbine with facilities for three levels, four tanks and a cistern with capacity for 1,300 gallons (abundant water throughout the day), current 110 and 220 V, with 220 facilities in two rooms, strong and secure ladder to the third level, terrace on the 3rd level of 22 x 4.5 meters and walls to another room to 1.5 meters of altura.
Se left the House: turbine and its facilities, several ceiling fans, electric showers, the air conditioning of the 3rd and 4th cuartos.