I am selling independent house with free roof, modern capitalist construction, of plaque and masonry, with a total area of 81.56 m2. It is distributed in spacious portal.
With door to the street, dining room, 2 bedrooms, one of them with closet, bathroom, kitchen, paved outdoor patio not covered, with service closet, laundry rooms and clothesline, room in the patio with roof
It has an independent exit by side aisle. It has its own installed water tank
With water entering on alternate days, electricity is with new wiring throughout the house, street gas.
It is located a few meters from 70 Avenue, 3 blocks from 31 Avenue and very close to the intersection of La Ceguera. Price 47000.00 cuc.
Contact Pablo at cell 52684576 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.