House corner, behind the little pig, diagonal Avenue 255 between 142 and 144, two blocks from the road, popular power. Excellent condition, finishes first. Very good ubicación.
Tres bedrooms amplios.
Dos baths, one in the master bedroom, both fully nuevos.
Sala amplia.
comedor amplio.
Piso of granite original.
Cocina wide, new, fully veneered with porcelain electric italiano.
Corriente 110 and 220.
Portal corrido.
Área of lavandería.
Portal corrido.
Espacios for cars. Gates nuevos.
Cisterna motor.
Dos tank with high, both from hot concreto.
Agua in the House, baths, kitchen and the area of lavandería.
Todas new new aluminum nuevas.
Marquetería in all casa.
Rejas installations, all freshly painted with anticorrosive long diracíon.
Totalmente pintada.
Todos materials and paint and accessories of first they were brought to the House, they are not purchased from the tienda.
SE includes: central
Calentador water hot nuevo.
Cocina or stove 5 burner gas embedded in the plateau so nueva.
6 lamps fan, one in each room, one room, one in the dining room and one in the kitchen all new and imported, brand Honter.
Todas the other lamps and sconces are left.
NOTA:Todos papers a day, the House is properly registered in the register of the propiedad.
Precio: 45 000.Con silver is in hand I hear ofertas.
INFORMES:mantillaosmil@ hotmail.com, I am propietario.
teléfonos:52 38 13 86, with Joel.
Fijo: 47 37 24 21 in Bauta ask for Martha.