At the entrance, garden to the left, wide staircase with 5 steps with side railings in the center and a 5 m3 cistern to the right. Portal to the full width of the house, with ramp and side corridor.
Central corridor throughout the house. On the left: a 1st bedroom, a small hall, a 1st bathroom (with bathtub, sink and medicine cabinet with mirror, bidel and cup), a 1st large closet with 3 shelves around it where you can walk, a 2nd bedroom, a 2nd bathroom (with bathtub, cup and sink) and a 2nd large closet with two divisions, where you can walk. On the right: large living room that includes the central hallway, a 3rd room, dining room that also includes the central hallway and kitchen (with large fully tiled closet with two doors and three partitions), new L-shaped countertop with double galvanized sink and hole for gas cooker.
In the background, on the left: a terrace with a zinc roof closed with a lattice, with a cement planter in the back and on the sides, a double laundry room, a spillway, a small cistern and a door to the patio. To the right, a wooden relief room, with a plateau and a sink, two large closets with 3 divisions.
Outside, to the left, a cement ramp with a fence for the street and an intermediate gate for the driveway, a side closet under the upper stair landing. On the right, a cemented side corridor with a fence and a cement shed with a fence for a water motor. In the background, a cemented patio with a closed garage with block walls, a zinc and tube roof, and two sliding steel plate doors with double padlocks. Small flowerbed at the end of the wooden room and large flowerbed at the end of the patio with mango and avocado trees.
The house has all the doors and windows with bars, a gas heater with hot and cold water pipes throughout the house, a telephone, a water tank on the roof and a gas contract with two 25-pound bullets.