Rent room \"Turisti Per Sempre\" SP 29.95cuc
Ponemos to provide a pleasant and comfortable apartment is completely independent, with all the amenities located in the heart of the exclusive area of new Vedado
. Habana.
Consta of 2 rooms (New mattresses), wide living-dining room, kitchen veneered in marble, courtyard, terrace with view to the street and bathroom with hot/cold water. " Extra services, at your total disposal, roofed garage, fixed/mobile phone, laundry, minibar, guide of tourism and taxi.
A only few steps away from the theater Acapulco and Zoo. You will have to hand the Revolution Square, bus terminal and corner of 23 and 26. Good connection to visit Old Havana and many places of tourist interests. You will feel close to Cuba.
PRIVACIDAD TOTAL. You can make use of a room and all the other spaces by only 29. 95cuc. It means comfort at the best price in the market. We add that, at home you can enjoy gastronomic services of excellence at irresistible prices.
Algunos ejemplos:
Desayuno cubanito: 2.95cuc
Desayuno Buffet: 5. 95cuc (all you can eat)
Contactenos for more information on: Cuba landline: + 53.7.881.89.88.
Telefono mobile in Cuba:
Teléfono in Italia:
Email mobile: [email protected]
Contacto Ivon and Roberto