Casa Doña Julia
Doña Julia offers an excellent House give them 50 years with relevant architecture. The building stands in a wooded area which leads to a spectacular pool of 72m 2. It is located in the exclusive distribution of Siboney, Playa.
Consta of a motor lobby parking, a spacious area with living room heated (with visuals to the terraces, garden and pool) dining room, two rooms with closets, minibars, safes, telephone, television and imaging equipment. Two rooms have private baths with thermal regulators for water and kiwán.
Amplias terraces, exquisite gardens, Ranch, the bar and the swimming pool create an Eden-like setting that allows an absolute relajación.
Se serve custom was the cliente.
Le request guarantee comfort, security and privacidad.
Información adicional
direccion: Ave 25 not 15817 e / 158 and 190. Cubanacán, Playa. The Habana
Contacto: Aylin Pascual Gonzalez
Telf: (+ 53) 5 276 0210
Email: aylin.pascual@nauta.cu
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