Sell beautiful apartment of capitalist production of the 50 year roof plate and concrete moldings and ceilings of plaster in all parts of the House, joint carpentry Holy wood and aluminum building undamaged in the cast Suarez.
Se consists of two bedrooms, living room, dining room, hall, bathroom, kitchen and patio, one room has closet of marquetry of aluminum and mirror, very airy and good lighting and garaje.
La kitchen has marble on the plateau and Cooking Hob with 4 burners with hood to extract heat water hot and cold (heater included), 2 rooms have air conditioning are included also, the 4th game is included for sale también.
El apartment has gas in the streetalways water with 2 own elevated tanks and 3 water inlets (including from the street). Is also in a very quiet place, newly painted, with 110 and 220 v current all enrejado.
Tiene a small courtyard, this has lavadero.
En parking have all furniture azulejado with laundry this space is great, ideal place to run this with concrete lattice también.
El apartment floor is my property I am not corredora.
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