COMFORTABLE suitable building with possibilities for ampliacion
confortable CAPITALIST capitalist built (in 1952) of original owner apartment. A block of Santa Catalina and 10 Oct in Lawton. With possibilities for ampliación.
Sala dining room, kitchen, two spacious bathrooms, ensuite interspersed with original ceramic, service yard covered with laundry and patio of Earth. With structural possibilities to build on the plate. All the infrastructure is in perfect independent condiciones.
Pasillo, interior, Netherlands. Original French carpentry with blinds and glass and iron gates in perfect condition, double interior doors of solid wood. Walls and ceilings with original PuTTY. Total storage capacity of 400 gallon water tanks elevados.
Teléfono and gas calle.
Precio negotiable: 22000 cuc
Para more information contact Elsa, Tel. 7699-1483.