Apt in the capitalist Vedado of the 50s, it consists of 2 rooms, a living-dining room, an American style kitchen all in white, a modern bathroom with a countertop-style sink, a rain shower and a monolithic cup, white finish and dark porcelain, 2/4 illuminated with large leaf windows, cedar and mahogany finish with armored glass, floors throughout the house, marble-style porcelain. New complete wiring, ceiling, outlets, switches, general control, brequera, ocean heater, new, large and spacious kitchen shelves in plain white style, breakfast area for 3 people, laundry area with space for large washing machine and small closet + extra sink . The house was completely remodeled, sanitary, plumbing, windows, cable, security, walls, contours. Papers in order. Excellent location Vedado Calle 5ta y 8, 3rd floor (last). Close to Avenida Linea, Malecon Habanero, Galerias Paseo Shopping Center and Melia Cohiba Hotel. Collective garage. Interested contact 52813846 also via WhatsApp (no resellers or intermediaries - only direct buyers) Price 47 thousand USD