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Price negotiable. Apartment 2/4(con aire) call the 8795239 or the 052761582.
El apartment is in Ayestaran e / Tulip and Conill. Comprises of lounge, kitchen (tiled), 2/4 with air conditioning and excellent closets each one, a new bath (tiled), the carpentry of the apartment is spotless, has Street gas and water heater, free laundry and independent water tank roof. The apartment is in the first floor. It is pretty cool. The construction is 57. The price is negotiable. For more information call the 8795239 with Darío.
-dos rooms with excellent conditioning in each gas.
-Azotea una.
-Calentador closets.
-Aire free laundry, electricity and gas in the misma.
-Construcción of the 57.
-Precio negotiable.