The property is made up of: latticed balcony, living room, parlor goldplated stones, two bathrooms, with doors of cedar wood and their respective latchkey in good condition, a plating bath color came and with hot shower, kitchen/dining room, a step above the level of the floor, with cedarwood under the meseta.contiene Cap a bar, or desayudador and behind a space to put refrigerators or refrijeradoras.One large terrace all latticed, family, and it contains sinks.Contains also tank high, belonging to the same property, (individual bone) and cistern.The House has respective holes to put air conditioning in each room.All of your windows and interior doors are iron with glass confeccionadas, and the same wallpaper with black paper, for more privacy.
Note: are you leave included, also phone, and one of the quarters left a new showcase package, cedar wood and tremendous mirror in the same.