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Rents of Rooms in Playa, Havana

Ad Quality
5.00 / 5
Calle13 # 4208 apto 2 e/ 42 y 44
  • Type of property: Apartment
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Purpose of rental: Rents of Rooms
  • Regulation papers: Yes
  • Modality type: CUC
  • Opening hours:
  • Price for: Nights
  • Low season price - High season price: 50 - 50 CUC
  • Rooms: 2
  • Maximum capacity: 5 persons
  • Ref: 300 795
  • Published:9 year and 5 months
  • We provide a fully self contained apartment with the amenities that you as a customer need. The apartment consists of terrace where you can enjoy Sun and shade, read, exercise your body and enjoy the plants that adorn it. A room with comfort, heated with.2 Split air-conditioned rooms with Split, King size bed with sheet change one day if and another not, TV, refrigerator, closet, Ironing Board, iron, 110 and 220 volt, baths in the rooms with hot and cold water 24 hours, daily change of towels, hair dryer and good lighting. Bar with kitchen, where you can prepare what you want but the House provides food service 24 hours. We also offer other services such as: laundry, food, taxi, professional massage with camilla, maniquiuri - pedicure, hairdresser, organize trips to Playa Giron for diving. Around the House are recreational places such as the Cabaret Tropicana, known throughout the world, nightclubs like the Shangri-, the bar mine and yours clubs such as La Casa de la Musica, Dos Gardenias, Mr. Krabs, all less than a kilometer, shopping malls such as 5th and 3rd, 42 and 70, banks and exchange houses , the Havana Club, where you can enjoy swimming pool, beach, Court, cafés and internet, very recommended, important hotels of Havana as the Meliá Habana and the Commodore where you can enjoy swimming pools and internet service restaurants like House of Lilian, Fontana, La Carboncita, agricultural market, CIRA GARCIA hospital, Karl Marx Theatre, rent a car office and much more...
  • Air conditioning
  • Garage or parking
  • Gastronomic services
  • Hot and cold water
  • Independent entrance
  • Large rooms
  • Privacy
  • Private bathrooms
  • Refrigerator or fridge
  • Security guaranteed
  • Terrace
  • TV Set
  • Ventilated rooms
  • Full name:Amanda Arango
  • Telephone:52528694
  • Contact hours: 24 hrs
  • Near recreative centers
  • Near the commercial networks
  • Near turistic interest places
  • Address: Calle13 # 4208 apto 2 e/ 42 y 44
  • Locality: Miramar
  • Municipality: Playa
  • Province: Havana
  • CU - Cuba
  • Home location: In town, downtown

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