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Rents of Rooms in Centro Habana, Havana

Ad Quality
5.00 / 5
  • Type of property: Apartment
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Purpose of rental: Rents of Rooms
  • Regulation papers: Yes
  • Modality type: CUC
  • Opening hours:
  • Price for: Nights
  • Low season price - High season price: 20 - 20 CUC
  • Rooms: 1
  • Maximum capacity: 3 persons
  • Ref: 579 032
  • Published:9 year and 3 months
  • Great Havana House is a House for rent particular foreign tourists legally registered, whose priority is to offer the customer a service of excellence with complete safety, comfort, privacy and everything you need to make the guest feel at home. Our House is an apartment which is located on the second and top floor of the building and has the following areas: living room, two bedrooms (one of them heated), bathroom sandwiched, dining room, kitchen, balcony and side aisle. You have access to the roof since you can enjoy a beautiful view of the city, as well as a wonderful sunset.
    Casa great Havana is located in the Centre of the city, accessible from any point of the city, both by car, taxi and bus, very close to the main tourist sites of the city (Havana, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, Hotel Nacional de Cuba, Habana Libre Hotel, ice cream Coppelia, the Malecon, etc.) for the enjoyment of the visitor that will make you fall in love of this wonderful city. With great Havana House you will have all the information necessary to optimize your time and memories, as well as exquisite treatment thinking of you You expect great Havana House where always House ganas.
    Reglas Gran Habana:
    - the input and output are free, without restrictions of horarios.
    -payment will take place upon the arrival of guests and proof of payment correspondiente.
    -will be delivered to them do not allow prostitution or drugs of any kind.
  • Air conditioning
  • Balcony
  • Gastronomic services
  • Hot and cold water
  • Large rooms
  • Private bathrooms
  • Refrigerator or fridge
  • Security guaranteed
  • TV Set
  • Ventilated rooms
  • Full name:Julio / Cecilia
  • Telephone:8774362 / 05 3442727
  • Contact hours: 24 horas
  • Near recreative centers
  • Near the bus station
  • Near the commercial networks
  • Near the train station
  • Near turistic interest places
  • Panoramic views
  • Address: San Martín (San José) No. 1105 apto. 2 entre Infanta y San Francisco
  • Locality: Cayo Hueso
  • Municipality: Centro Habana
  • Province: Havana
  • CU - Cuba
  • Home location: In town, downtown

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