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Home For sale in Vedado Malecón Plaza de la Revolución, Havana

Ad Quality
4.39 / 5
  • Type of property: Home
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Sale price:: 45 000 CUC
  • Rooms: 2
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Kitchens: 1
  • Surface 79 mts2
  • Year of construction: 1945
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Construction type: Masonry, beams and slabs
  • Home conditions: Moderate
  • Ref: 703 995
  • Published: 8 year and 9 months
  • Viviendadireccion sales: Calle 8 No. 506 low among 23 ave and ave 21 Vedado, Plaza municipality Revolucion.ubicacion: close to the 23rd Avenue and the services that are located in your environment. Close to the Ten-cent on 10th Street, and the important intersection of 12 and 23 with the famous Cinecittà pizzeria and Cafe La Pelota. With shopping malls, markets, services and health of all kinds, which also include cinemas, banks and other facilities along the Avenida 23 de importance for national and foreign tourism. The soil in this area is a rocky layer shallow. Urban services: The area has Street, electricity, stable water supply, gas collection system waste phone and various facilities of the area provides wireless Internet service. Description of the House: Home built in 1945, with a useful surface occupied of 79.31 m2 in good state of conservation and an outdoor garden, car porch and portal area. Housing is one building biplanta where on the ground floor lies the residence in question with: portal, garden and car porch. Description of the constructive system: housing with masonry walls, cover beam and slabs, floors are hydraulic era slabs, carpentry is composed of wood and the main window protected by metal grating. Distribution: living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom, patio of cement and portal. Housing properly certified before a notary public and awarded to a sole heir and registered at the Office of the registry of the property in the year 2008.
  • Address: 8/ 21y23
  • Locality: Vedado Malecón
  • Municipality: Plaza de la Revolución
  • Province: Havana
  • Home location: In town, downtown
  • Full name: Aristides
  • Telephone: 7 8306109
  • Contact hours: Todo el día
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