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Home For sale in Ciudamar, Santiago de Cuba

Ad Quality
4.81 / 5

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  • Type of property: Home
  • Building style:
  • Sale price:: 90 000 CUC
  • Rooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Kitchens: 1
  • Surface 1400 mts2
  • Construction type: Masonry and plate
  • Home conditions: Very well

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Property descriptionClick to show info

  • Ref: 629 757
  • Published: 6 year and 1 month
  • A beautiful summer house is sold in the Merrimag, Villa Bahia, Santiago de Cuba, this is a very nice and quiet neighborhood. The house is located in front of La Marina Marlín in Punta Gorda; It has a very beautiful panoramic view of the entrance of the Bay of Santiago, the Fortress of Morro. It is only 10 minutes from the city center.

    The property has a perimeter area of ​​1400 square meters all well fenced safe and independent. The house is very comfortable is in perfect condition and ready to live, is original capitalist construction with masonry and free plate, has front garden, portal, living room, kitchen, covered service patio with laundry, large bathroom with cold water and hot, interior corridor with access to the three bedrooms each with large closet and air conditioning. In addition, the house is fully heated with a centralized Split.
    It has a huge yard of land that has a well-maintained garden with fruit trees, with enough space for swimming pools, barbeque or business if you wish. Also at the back it has a roofed terrace with hammocks, excellent view and exit to the sea, it has a very nice little private beach that has a very well constructed and very colorful concrete jetty.
    The house will sell 90 thousand empty. If you like life near the sea this is undoubtedly a great opportunity to invest, live and enjoy the house of your dreams and the charms of this city.

    For more information you can call +53 58807135 Call any time you will be glad to attend.

Location of propertyClick to show info

  • Address: 1ra y 2da. Reparto Merrimag, Villa Bahía, Santiago de Cuba
  • Locality: Ciudamar
  • Municipality: Santiago de Cuba
  • Province: Santiago de Cuba
  • Home location: Beach area

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Contact data Click to show info

  • Full name: Alexei Villafruela
  • Telephone: +58 807135
  • Contact hours: A cualquier hora que usted llame se le atendera con mucho gusto

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