Detras de la Fachada

Selling, buying and renting homes in Cuba

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Sell o rent your home

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We offer you listings of home sales announcements by municipality, province and types of property.

If you are interested in any advertisement you can directly contact the owner to request photos , more info or simply make a counteroffer

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  • We notify you via email.
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    Introduzca su nombre y apellido Introduzca su nombre y apellido
    Introduzca su email Verifique que email sea válido

House and room rental

You will find on our site ads for rent or rental of houses and rooms in Cuba, by province and municipality. You can also send the owner a pre-reservation directly or request more information.

  • Select a provinceAnnouncements ☟


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Access these options in the user icon located at the top right of the page.

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