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Rents of Home in Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus

Ad Quality
5.00 / 5
Entrance and patio
  • Type of property: Home
  • Building style: Modern
  • Purpose of rental: Rents of Home
  • Regulation papers: Yes
  • Modality type: CUC
  • Opening hours:
  • Price for: Nights
  • Low season price - High season price: 20 - 25 CUC
  • Rooms: 2
  • Maximum capacity: 4 persons
  • Ref: 454 099
  • Published:8 year and 10 months
  • Located in the monument of the city of Trinidad, Cuba, hostal La Vero is a detached house, without family, that rents 2 air-conditioned bedrooms, with total capacity for 4 people. With a shared bathroom with water cold and hot 24/7. It has a fully equipped kitchen with everything you need to cook or at the request of the customer can be prepared him breakfast, lunch and dinner. Elbis and Yusimi, hosts, live in the adjacent to the lodging house so you will never feel only and they will always help you in any recommendations or assistance to necesite.
    Los guests are greeted with a cold juice free welcome fruit. As a special offer from the House, the hostal La Vero allows you to know the villa Museum of the Caribbean from a colonial carriage pulled by a horse, owned by the hosts. A free tour of the city and most significant areas of tourist interest is included in the low tourist season. This tour includes La Canchánchara, Plaza Santa Ana, cigar factory, manufactures of ceramics and the steam train. Take advantage of this opportunity to stroll through the city in a carriage of the 18th century in Cuba.
  • Air conditioning
  • Gastronomic services
  • Hot and cold water
  • Independent entrance
  • Large rooms
  • Privacy
  • Refrigerator or fridge
  • Security guaranteed
  • Terrace
  • TV Set
  • Ventilated rooms
  • Full name:Yusimi Lara Borrell
  • Telephone:+53-52615887
  • Contact hours: 8am - 10 pm
  • Near recreative centers
  • Near turistic interest places
  • Address: Enrique Hart # 67 e/c Agustin Bernal y Enrique Villegas.
  • Locality: Zona Monumento
  • Municipality: Trinidad
  • Province: Sancti Spiritus
  • CU - Cuba
  • Home location: In town, historical center

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