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Apartment For sale in San Isidro Habana Vieja, Havana

Ad Quality
4.72 / 5

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Listing features Click to show info

  • Type of property: Apartment
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Sale price:: 70 000 CUC
  • Rooms: 2
  • Bathrooms: 2
  • Kitchens: 1
  • Surface 60 mts2
  • Year of construction: 1950
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Construction type: Masonry and plate
  • Home conditions: New construction

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Property descriptionClick to show info

  • Ref: 958 563
  • Published: 6 year and 0 months

  • Literally apartment ready to arrive and live it!

    Distribution: Apartment on the second floor consisting of living room, dining room, two bedrooms with air conditioning, two marble bathrooms, kitchen and balcony to the street.
    Address: Caller Aponte # 212 between Mision and Arsenal, Old Havana, Havana, Cuba.
    Type of Building: Building consisting of only four apartments.
    Year of construction: 1950
    Type of construction: Reinforced concrete.

    Note: The apartment has been completely restored in the year 2017.
    Type of restoration: We changed all the old water tuverias by plastic hot-melt tuvers, they changed all the old electricity cables for new ones, they put new marble floor in the whole apartment, they changed the old tiles of the tile and the kitchen by marble slabs, also installed a new electric heater 100 lt, two air conditioners, fire alarm etc.

    It is also included in the sale everything that is in the apartment, two air conditioners of one ton each, 32 flat screen TV, four beds, with new mattresses, living room and dining room, kitchen purchased in 2017, microwave, washing machine , water heater.

Location of propertyClick to show info

  • Address: Calle Aponte 212 entre Mision y Arsenal, La Habana Vieja
  • Locality: San Isidro
  • Municipality: Habana Vieja
  • Province: Havana
  • Home location: In town, historical center

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Contact data Click to show info

  • Full name: Aynalen
  • Telephone: +53 58170150
  • Contact hours: cualquier hora

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