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Apartment For sale in Plaza Plaza de la Revolución, Havana

Ad Quality
4.17 / 5

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Listing features Click to show info

  • Type of property: Apartment
  • Building style:
  • Sale price:: 25 000 CUC
  • Rooms: 1
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Kitchens: 1
  • Home conditions: Very well

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Property descriptionClick to show info

  • Ref: 724 689
  • Published: 10 year and 1 month
  • Apartment for sale in el vedado in san rafael suitable #1217 2 (high) e / Mazon and

    Ronda (beside the HUMBOLDT Chair, behind the Napoleonic Museum, beside

    del Stadium of the University of Havana, one block from the Hospital Calixto

    García and in the corner of the University of Havana)

    Es perfect for live or have a business by its magnificent position in the

    centro of vedado. Ready to live, featuring:

    - room comedor
    -kitchen with a closet
    -Hall with closet
    - 1 fourth amplio
    -balcony to the calle

    * great ventilation and lighting, 2 internal water tanks, phone, gas

    la Street, all freshly painted... bathroomskitchens, roofing and installation

    eléctrica... EVERYTHING new! *

    -all your doors and windows are rejas

    !ALSO featuring:!
    -furniture, refrigerator, air conditioning, gas cooker, game room,

    juego of dining, game room, gabetero, fans, mirrors,

    adornos and lamps, much más...

    !Watch out!
    El payment may be the same in CUC in USD

    Para more information call to the:

    Cell: 05-280-65-97 (Mary)
    Casa: 271 - 51-81 (Mary)

    Precio: CUC 25 000 or 25 000 USD

Location of propertyClick to show info

  • Address: San Rafael #1217 apto 2 e/ Mazón y Ronda
  • Locality: Plaza
  • Municipality: Plaza de la Revolución
  • Province: Havana
  • Home location: Turistic area

Geolocalización Click to show info

Contact data Click to show info

  • Full name: Mary
  • Telephone: 5 280 65 97

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