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Apartment For sale in Belén Finlay Pogolotti Marianao, Havana

Ad Quality
4.94 / 5

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Listing features Click to show info

  • Type of property: Apartment
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Sale price:: 40 CUC
  • Rooms: 2
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Kitchens: 1
  • Year of construction: 1960
  • Building style: 50 year
  • Construction type: Masonry and plate
  • Home conditions: Very well

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Property descriptionClick to show info

  • Ref: 774 696
  • Published: 8 year and 10 months
  • Modern, comfortable house for sale. List to come and live.

    Se House for sale in distribution Finlay, Marianao, ventilated and comfortable; with lots of privacy. It consists of portal-terraza, large dining room, kitchen, bathroom with sink top, which has a small shelf below, and two spacious bedrooms with air conditioning. Each of them consists of a large closet of wall with several compartments and drawers.

    En all housing there is 220 V and 110 V and has the balita gas service. Also has free plate cover by welding, completely waterproofed with opportunities build on ella.

    La House is completely barred. You have tank-motor and plastic elevated tank, so there is water all day throughout the House. It has electric heater. It has a garage roof plate that communicates with the House.

    Consta in addition to medium covered patio, laundry room and a plateau with sink and shelf below. The patio connects with a garden that occupies the right side, and has a second access to the street. Also communicates with Hall located on the left side of the vivienda.

    La House is located in quiet place, surrounded of detached homes.

    El sale price includes phone, the rooms AC and some furniture in very good condition.

    Escucho proposed, only on the part of stakeholders (potential to reduce me with vuelto).

    Vea photos and verify that the description fits with Betty or Osvaldo realidad.

    Contactar through the numbers: 265 2387

    7 290 6245
    5 263 5962

Location of propertyClick to show info

  • Address: Avenida 63 No. 8802 entre 88A y 90
  • Locality: Belén Finlay Pogolotti
  • Municipality: Marianao
  • Province: Havana
  • Home location: In town

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Contact data Click to show info

  • Full name: Betty
  • Telephone: 7 265 2387 5 290 6
  • Contact hours: Todo el día

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